undergoing works
1) Sociology Group Essay
2) Writing Portfolio (1 more essays!)
3) Digital Essential's Pamphet cum Poster; Development
4) Culture and Expression Assignment
5) and lastly, the pending VSC project 2.
I've been having too much fun that a BIG tremendous stress of having to face all that when school starts is almost terrifying. Completed my tasks in which the dateline is on the 1st of Jan and all the blackboard stuff. In case mr terence will msg to remind me bout tat. Got 9/10;8/10;8/10;9/10 for e 4 quizzes. Didn't get full marks though.
It's annoying when I can't get things done. I mean, look at the above tasks! But I've to admit tat i'm jus plain lazy n trying to enjoy my holidays to e fullest. Sigh.
It's Thursday already. Oh dear holidays, why do you always seem to pick up pace?
2) Writing Portfolio (1 more essays!)
3) Digital Essential's Pamphet cum Poster; Development
4) Culture and Expression Assignment
5) and lastly, the pending VSC project 2.
I've been having too much fun that a BIG tremendous stress of having to face all that when school starts is almost terrifying. Completed my tasks in which the dateline is on the 1st of Jan and all the blackboard stuff. In case mr terence will msg to remind me bout tat. Got 9/10;8/10;8/10;9/10 for e 4 quizzes. Didn't get full marks though.
It's annoying when I can't get things done. I mean, look at the above tasks! But I've to admit tat i'm jus plain lazy n trying to enjoy my holidays to e fullest. Sigh.
It's Thursday already. Oh dear holidays, why do you always seem to pick up pace?