Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
It's the most wooonderful time of the year!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Take the one week Debrand your life challenge
* in the midst of doing research for my upcoming presentation. Come to think of it designers create brands, design advertisement to create awareness and all. Does it make us a evil person? Anyway, I'm inspired to take up the challenge. I shall give it a try because i believe in living a simple life. I don't need an iphone, all i need is a phone that can call and sms. I don't need a designer top nor a branded bag. Life goes on.
If you have a problem with shopping, you’re obsessed by brands, or you just want to make life cheaper and easier, try following these tips for a less branded lifestyle.
1. Avoid advertising
Have you ever started reading a glossy magazine feeling good about yourself, only to finish the thing feeling fat, unfashionable and poor? Advertising images are specifically designed to present idealized images of people with new products. It’s a fact that the more ads you see, the more dissatisfied you become with your own life. Studies prove that less you look, the stronger your self-esteem will be. Watch less TV. Stop buying glossy magazines. Block pop-up ads on your computer. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel, and you’ll be less inclined to go shopping to cheer yourself up.
2. Separate wants from needs
In many ways, branding is used to manufacture need when there is none. It’s easy to get stuck on the shopping treadmill by mistaking the things you want for the things that you need. Try working out what you actually need to survive comfortably and you’ll see how much money we waste on non-essential items. Do you really need a new pair of trainers, a new bag, a new phone?
Every time you’re waiting in line at the till, ask yourself do I really need this stuff? If the answer is no, put it back on the shelf. Life goes on.
3. Shop around
Brands often tell us that the more money we spend, the better quality we’ll get, but that’s often just a myth to get us paying more. It’s easy to find cheaper versions of expensive brands online, in markets or second hand, be it clothes or gadgets or even food. And they’re often just as good quality. It takes a bit more effort, but once you get used to paying £5 for a t-shirt, you’ll never go back to spending £50. See the links page for a list of non-branded suppliers.
3. Plan ahead
Brands rely on us being too busy or too lazy to plan ahead. Most of the stuff we buy each day is due to lack of planning, like bottled water for instance.
Try to plan before you leave the house each day and you’ll rely less on impulse buying. Try to buy your weekly essentials in one go, or better still get it delivered – you’ll need to visit fewer shops and be less tempted to splurge.
4. Have a clear out
Rummage through the back of your closets and you’re bound to find stuff that you’ll never use again. How long before the stuff you bought last week becomes redundant too? Clearing out your junk is a useful reminder that the things we ‘invest in’ rarely turn out to be as useful as we once thought.
5. Stop shopping for leisure
Try finding other things to do over the weekend beyond shopping. Chances are you may not know what to do with yourself at first, and you might feel increasingly anxious and bored, but stick with it. Play sport, do art, go to the country, visit your mates… anything but shopping. I promise you, these things become more interesting and more rewarding as time goes on.
6. Cut up your credit cards
Living within the means of your pay packet as opposed to your overdraft turns non-essential purchasing into a luxury rather than a habit. Just like Mother used to say, you’ll value things more when you’ve saved up for them.
7. Live simple
Brands complicate everything in life. Even the simplest purchases – which coffee, which underwear, which toaster? – can be racked with status anxiety.
Once you stop worrying what your brands say and mean, life gets so much simpler. Keeping your life clutter-free can become just as addictive and shopping, but it is so much more rewarding.
8. Forget about glamour
None of the above points sound very glamorous. But then glamour is really just another myth perpetuated by brands. It’s important to remember this when you’re barraged with aspirational ads day in, day out. Will you really become more glamorous with Beyonce’s brand of hair dye? In any case, the people who appear to have achieved real glamour – Posh & Paris – are miserable wretches themselves. And they don’t use home hair dye kits anyway.
9. Understand the triggers
This is the tough one. If you’re habitually buying into brands, it’s probably to medicate another issue that’s rumbling on in your life. Most psychologists agree that conspicuous consumption, habitual shopping and constant striving for wealth are symptoms of deeper emotional issues. Perhaps this is a time for self-reflection? Psychologists often joke that the best thing a lottery winner could buy is therapy.
10. Be realistic
Trying to live brand free is like keeping to a low fat diet – a little bit of chocolate cake once in a while isn’t going to kill you as long as the bulk of your diet is healthy. Buying branded when you really need to isn’t the end of the world, just don’t expect that purchase to change your life. And be careful not to slip back into the old routines!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The 7 Steps to Happily Ever After
The 7 Steps to Happily Ever After
What makes love last a lifetime? Affection? Yep. Respect? Sure. But a great marriage is not just about what you have. It's about what you do to make a relationship stronger, safer, more caring and committed. Here's how to make your "forever" fantastic.
By Marjorie Ingall
Marriage is a home, a refuge against the outside storms. And like any house, it requires a strong, lasting foundation. To build one, every couple needs to take certain steps — seven, to be precise — that turn the two of you into not just you and me but we. You may not move through all the steps in order, and you may circle back to complete certain steps again (and again and again). But if you make it through them all, you'll be well on your way toward creating a marriage that will be your shelter as long as you both shall live.
Step 1: Find a shared dream for your life together.
It's easy to get caught up in the small stuff of married life: What's for dinner tonight? Whose turn is it to clean the litter box? Did you pay the electric bill? But the best partners never lose sight of the fact that they're working together to achieve the same big dreams. "Successful couples quickly develop a mindfulness of 'us,' of being coupled," says REDBOOK Love Network expert Jane Greer, Ph.D., a marriage and family therapist in New York City. "They have a shared vision, saying things like, 'We want to plan to buy a house, we want to take a vacation to such-and-such a place, we like to do X, we think we want to start a family at Y time.'"
This kind of dream-sharing starts early. "Couples love to tell the story of how they met," points out Julie Holland, M.D., a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City and a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine. "It's like telling a fairy tale. But happy couples will go on creating folklore and history, with the meet-cute forming the bedrock of the narrative." As you write and rewrite your love story ("our hardest challenge was X, our dream for retirement is Y"), you continually remind yourselves and each other that you're a team with shared values and goals. And P.S.: When you share a dream, you're a heck of a lot more likely to make that dream come true.
Step 2: Ignite (and reignite) a sexual connection.
In any good relationship, sex is way more than just a physical act. It's crucial for the health of your emotional connection, too: It's something only the two of you share; it makes you both feel warm and loved; it draws you back together when you're drifting apart. And did I mention that it's a whole lot of fun?
Striking up those sparks when you first meet is easy. Nurturing a strong, steady flame? That's the hard part. When you've got a mortgage, a potbelly, and a decade or two of togetherness under your belts, it can be hard to muster up the fire you felt when you first got together. That's when it's even more important to protect your sex life and make it a priority. "You have to keep working to create allure and seduction for each other or your sex life will become lackluster," Greer points out. "Who wants the same turkey sandwich over and over? You want it on whole wheat! On toast! As turkey salad! On a roll!" (And now I will imagine my husband covered with Russian dressing. Thanks, Dr. Greer.)
As the years go by, you'll keep revisiting and realigning and reimagining the passion you have for each other. And if you keep at it, you'll have a sex life that transcends your marriage's lack of newness, the stresses of family and work, the physical changes that come with aging. Now that's something worth holding on to.
Step 3: Choose each other as your first family.
For years, you were primarily a member of one family: the one in which you grew up. Then you got married, and suddenly you became the foundation of a new family, one in which husband and wife are the A-team. It can be tough to shift your identity like this, but it's also an important part of building your self-image as a duo (and maybe, eventually, as three or four or...).
For me, making this transition meant stopping the incessant bitching to my mom when I was mad at my husband — my behavior was disloyal, and I had to learn to talk to Jonathan, not about him. My friend Lynn tells the story of her mother's reaction to a trip to the Middle East she and her then-boyfriend (now husband) had planned. Her mother hit the roof, calling incessantly to urge Lynn not to go. Eventually, Lynn's boyfriend got on the phone with Mom and explained why they were excited to share this experience. "It was clear then that we were the team," Lynn says now. "Not teaming up against my mother, but teaming up together to deal with her issues."
Whatever your challenges — an overprotective mom? an overly critical father-in-law? — you have to outline together the boundaries between you and all of the families connected to you. Not only will you feel stronger as a united front but when you stick to your shared rules, all that family baggage will weigh on you a lot less.
Step 4: Learn how to fight right.
I'm embarrassed to think of how I coped with conflict early in my relationship with Jonathan. I stormed out — a lot. I once threw an apple at his head. Hard. (Don't worry, I missed — on purpose.) I had a terrible habit of threatening divorce at the slightest provocation. But eventually I figured that this was pretty moronic. I didn't want out, and I knew that pelting someone with fruit was not a long-term marital strategy.
"Fighting is the big problem every couple has to deal with," says Daniel B. Wile, Ph.D., a psychologist and couples therapist in Oakland, CA, and author of After the Fight. That's because fights will always come up, so every couple needs to learn how to fight without tearing each other apart.
Fighting right doesn't just mean not throwing produce; it means staying focused on the issue at hand and respecting each other's perspective. Couples that fight right also find ways to defuse the tension, says Wile — often with humor. "Whenever one of us wants the other to listen up, we mime hitting the TV remote, a thumb pressing down on an invisible mute button," says Nancy, 52, an event producer in San Francisco. "It cracks us up, in part because it must look insane to others." Even if you fight a lot, when you can find a way to turn fights toward the positive — with a smile, a quick apology, an expression of appreciation for the other person — the storm blows away fast, and that's what matters.
Step 5: Find a balance between time for two and time for you.
Jonathan and I both work at home. This frequently leads to murderous impulses. Though I'm typing away in the bedroom and he's talking to his consulting clients in our small home office, most days it really feels like too much intimacy for me.
But that's my bias. When it comes to togetherness, every couple has its own unique sweet spot. "There are couples that are never apart and there are couples that see each other only on weekends," Greer says. With the right balance, neither partner feels slighted or smothered. You have enough non-shared experiences to fire you up and help you maintain a sense of yourself outside the relationship — not to mention give you something to talk about at the dinner table. But you also have enough time together to feel your connection as a strong tie rather than as a loose thread.
Your togetherness needs will also change over time, so you'll have to shift your balance accordingly. "My husband and I spend a lot of time together, but it's almost all family time," says Katie, 40, a mom of two in San Leandro, CA. "We realized a few months ago that we hadn't had a conversation that didn't involve the kids or our to-do lists in ages, so we committed to a weekly date. We were so happy just to go to the movies and hold hands, something we hadn't done in ages. It felt like we were dating again!"
Step 6: Build a best friendship.
Think about the things that make your closest friendships irreplaceable: the trust that comes with true intimacy, the willingness to be vulnerable, the confidence that the friendship can withstand some conflict. Don't those sound like good things to have in your marriage, too?
"Happy couples are each other's haven," says Holland. "They can count on the other person to listen and try to meet their needs." Greer adds, "When you're true friends, you acknowledge and respect what the other person is; you don't try to control or change them. This creates a sense of safety and security when you're together — you know you're valued for who you are and you see the value in your partner."
Then there's the way, when you've been with someone a while, that you become almost a mind reader. You have a shared history and inside jokes. Your guy knows what you'll find funny, you forward him links to articles you know he'll enjoy, and best of all, you two can make eye contact at a given moment and say volumes without opening your mouths. And is there anything more pleasurable than sharing the newspaper with someone? Sitting in companionable silence, absorbed in your respective reading, sipping coffee, occasionally reading something out loud, but mostly just lazing happily together, communing without needing to speak? Ahh....
Step 7: Face down a major challenge together.
You're sailing along through life, and suddenly you hit a huge bump. A serious illness. Unemployment. The loss of a home. A death in the family. How do you cope?
The truth is, you never know how strong your relationship is until it's tested. All too often, the stress of a crisis can pull a couple apart. But the good news is, when you do make it through in one piece, you might just find yourselves tighter than ever.
"What didn't happen to us?" says Daryl, 28, a preschool teacher in Harrisburg, PA. "My husband lost his job and took a minimum-wage job he was way overqualified for just to make ends meet. He was offered a better job in a mountain town outside San Diego, so we moved. Then during the California wildfires several years ago, our house burned down and we lost everything. We were living in a one-room converted garage with no running water and a newborn. But we found that this chaos somehow brought us even closer together. We took turns losing it. We really kept each other sane."
Hey, marriage is no roll in the hay. It's tough, real work. But the reward, the edifice you build together that will shelter you through years of tough times, is more than worth the effort. The small, friendly cottage you build — decorated with your shared history and stories, filled with color and laughter — will be the warmest and safest retreat you can imagine.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
5 more mintues
Just Five More Minutes
by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown
While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground.
“That’s my son over there,” she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.
“He’s a fine looking boy” the man said. “That’s my daughter on the bike in the white dress.”
Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. “What do you say we go, Melissa?”
Melissa pleaded, “Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes.”
The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart’s content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. “Time to go now?”
Again Melissa pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.”
The man smiled and said, “OK.”
“My, you certainly are a patient father,” the woman responded.
The man smiled and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I’d give anything for just five more minutes with him. I’ve vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa.
She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch her play.”
Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities?
Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time today! :)