Tuesday, July 18, 2006

you are my best friend

You are my best and dearest friend.
You're one person on whom I can depend.
You've been there for me during tough times,
You've stood by me come rain or shine.

You're someone I find easy to~
You're a friend so dear and so good
You know better than most people do.
You're my frien that is faithful and true.

You are sensitive and understanding.
You are caring, thoughtful and kind.
you care about me and you never cease
to show me in many different ways.

You're the best friend
a person can have,
And I'm glad that you came into my life.

came across this meaningful pocket card from joc some years ago...
really love this kind of meaningful gift even though it might be small but never doubt it's power
to make my day BRIGHTER :)


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